

N. 80 June 2024 | European Elections 2024: the fight between European Federalists and Nationalists has just begun

In the aftermath of the political earthquake caused by the results of the European elections, it is increasingly clear that the construction of a democratic European sovereignty is the only way to stop the plan for democratic and civic backwardness carried out by nationalist and anti-European forces.

At the start of the new legislature, it is therefore imperative that the pro-European forces make their support for the new Commission conditional, not only on support for Ukraine in its resistance to Russian aggression, first and foremost on a commitment to support the European Parliament in its call for reform of the Treaties and to fight for the convening of the Convention.

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N. 79 May 2024 | What is at stake in the European elections on 6-9 June

In view of the European elections on 6-9 June, the Union of European Federalists (UEF), together with the Association Jean Monnet, the Spinelli Group, the Young European Federalists (JEF-Europe) and Guy Verhofstadt – MEP, former Prime Minister of Belgium, who led the work for the drafting of the European Parliament Report with the proposals for the reform of the Treaties following the conclusions of the CoFoE (the Conference on the Future of Europe) -, launched a Manifesto/Appeal addressed to citizens and political forces in view of the vote and the new legislature and to initiate the revival of Jean Monnet’s Committee of Action for a United States of Europe.
This European Letter is dedicated to the dissemination of this Appeal/Manifesto. You can sign at this link: https://bit.ly/441GybH

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N. 78 April 2024 | Building a true European defence requires a thorough reform of the Treaties

The threat to European security posed by Russian imperialism is forcing Europeans to face the question of the need to equip themselves with a common defence, to become capable of protecting themselves.

The European Letter wants to contribute to this debate by explaining that a true European defence is not credible unless there are transfers of sovereignty at the European level to endow the Union with a true autonomy of government, not only by freeing it from the vetoes and blackmail of the member states, but also by creating the conditions for expressing a genuine European general interest.

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N. 77 February 2024 | Only a sovereign Europe can protect its citizens and its member states in the new phase of instability and global competition

On 22 November, the European Parliament opened the procedure for the revision of the EU Treaties. It is now up to the European Council to convene a Convention to discuss the EU reform project in detail.
Precisely with this in mind – with a view to the March European Council meeting – the European Letter stresses the urgency of a thorough and coherent reform of the Treaties and brings to your attention a Memorandum (LINK) explaining why only the opening of a Convention is the only feasible way forward for the reform of the Treaties, whereas neither simplified revision procedures nor adjustments in view of enlargement can satisfy effective Treaty reforms.

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N° 76 December 2023 | European Parliament activates the treaty revision procedure: the significance of the vote and Europe’s priorities

On 22 November, the Report on the proposals of the European Parliament’s for the Amendment of the Treaties (2022/2051(INL)) was voted by the European Parliament. This report proposes a profound institutional reform to make the European Union more democratic and capable of action, and thus adequate to face political challenges and enlargement. This vote also formally opens the procedure for Treaty revision, and in this respect calls on national governments and parliaments to take sides.
Precisely with this in mind – in view of the EU Council’s transmission to the European Council (hopefully as early as December, so that a decision can be taken at the March meeting) – the European Letter publishes this note explaining the content and value of this Report and invites national parliaments to discuss it with their governments.
We also point out this draft resolution (LINK) for national parliaments to discuss and adopt.

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N. 73 March 2021 | Our federal Europe: sovereign and democratic

We publish the Appeal that the UEF and the Spinelli Group in the European Parliament have launched in order to call together the forces that intend to fight to build a sovereign and democratic Europe. The first signatories of the Appeal are the members of the Spinelli Group in the European Parliament from the main political families.

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